

It's already freezing here in Portland, Maine.  Feels like it went from a warm Fall to Winter, overnight.  It happens every year, and every year, I'm just not ready for it.  The cold air hits your bones and doesn't escape your body until you slip into bed.  Luckily, I'm a "Maine Girl" and know how to deal with frigid temperatures.  It's all about layers.  Two pair of socks, water-proof boots, a down coat with a hood and now my new Posa.


My Posa came wrapped in beautiful wildflower seed paper.  What a fun idea!  The kids felt like they got a gift in the mail with the paper, but really, I was the one who scored.  I will be honest.  When it arrived, it took me a couple tries to master it.  Once I realized where the buttons and zipper go, it all made perfect sense.  And luckily, it comes with visual instructions on the tag.


A little about the company...

Posa Apparel was born purely out of a love for fashion, an eye for style, a creative imagination, and a passion for the outdoors.  We are a Colorado based company that provides quality, handmade in Colorado products, which redefine traditional style and blend fashion and function.  We are committed to quality, originality, and giving back in a meaningful way.  Each customer can select from several charities that are important to us, to designate a percentage of the proceeds from each Posa.  Our goal is to become a global brand that customers can rely on for fashionable trends that make a statement.  We want our customers to feel great about supporting a Colorado company that embraces uniqueness, through our fashion forward ideas and inspired products.


Winter hasn't officially arrived, but the cold has.  Be sure to layer up in style with a beautiful Posa.  It's a conversation piece, a fashion statement and the warmest way to get through the Winter.  It's also the perfect gift for the Holidays!  Get your Posa HERE.

Chelsea K. Ray1 Comment