It's Libra Season!

See, you would think being from Maine, my favorite season is summer. The winters are so long here and, it’s true, in the dead of January, all I want is tropical weather… but really, I’ve always been a Fall Girl. There’s a feeling in the air. A sweater and jeans, apple picking, fair going, pumpkin spice, my birthday, Halloween feeling. And I’m here for all of it. Cause people, It’s Libra Season!

I’m not one of those people that knows signs and thinks there’s some deep meaning behind it all. No, I’m lying. Let me try again. I’m not one of those people that knows signs. I can’t tell you what sign my son is. Okay, I just looked it up… he’s a Taurus. But back to Libras! What I DO know about Libras is that I’ve never met a Libra I didn’t like. I always find a deep connection with Libras, even before I find out we share the same sign. Most of my friendships that I’ve formed as an adult, were because of a Libra connection.

Libras have a reputation of being indecisive. Y’all, that ain’t it. Not even close. The zodiac sign, Libra, is a scale. A perfectly balanced scale. We’re not indecisive, we just don’t want to tip our scale. If Joe wants steak for dinner and Mike wants pizza for dinner and I have to decide… my whole world is wrecked. Don’t tip my scale, Man!

Okay, enough about Libras. This IS a fashion blog, after all. So, to celebrate Libra season (and my birthday on Friday), I’m showing off my gorgeous new satin dress from Urban Cottage. Sorry guys. No link to their website, because this is a unique boutique located in downtown Bermuda and only sells their merchandise in-store.

At the end of August, my crazy husband wanted to go on a quick 5 day, 4 night trip to Bermuda. It was hot, but luckily, the entire island is surrounded by tropical reefs that lend the most amazing and safe snorkling around. We DID take one day off from snorkling to go shopping and the second I walked into Urban Cottage, I wanted EVERYTHING in the store. I responsibly settled on one satin dress, thinking I’d be able to go online once I got home and order more pieces. Nope. Good lesson learned. When in Rome (or in this case, Bermuda)…

So, if you happen to be going to Bermuda anytime, I HIGHLY recommend visiting Urban Cottage. Be sure to pick up several pieces and remember, it’s Libra Season!

Chelsea K. RayComment