Valentine's Day: It's Not All Hearts & Candy

As someone who loves Holidays, I’m not wild about Valentine’s Day. Growing up, my mom would shower me with candy and trinkets and extra hugs and kisses. As a teenager, it was a day that you were reminded how popular you were, depending on how many roses were delivered to you out front of all your peers. I usually got one from my bestie, while other girls got dozens from their boyfriends. Now, as an adult, I find joy in giving my son candy, trinkets and extra hugs and kisses, but Valentine’s Day actually being super romantic, nah. Pretty disappointing if you ask me. My husband usually gets me roses. A dozen or two. Even though they die within a week. Kind of like the gesture. Obliged and short lived.

No big plans for the big day tomorrow. Praying my husband listened and is NOT going to get me roses right before we leave for vacation. A couple chocolate covered strawberries and a nice lunch will do.

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Chelsea K. RayComment