ReStyle Consign- Your Color

I was chatting on a plane last week with a lovely woman who was quite intrigued with what I do for work. When I told her I can completely change a person’s silhouette with clothing, she was blown away. She had recently lost a lot of weight and wasn’t sure how to dress her new body. She still had 15 pounds to lose before she hit her goal weight, and asked what she could do in the meantime to look her best, before hiring me to go shopping. I told her, if she’s going to focus on one thing, make it color.

Of course fit is the MOST important, but if you’re in a transition period and don’t want to invest in pieces you may grow out of quickly, a great way to highlight your look is finding your power color or pallet, and sticking with it. Not sure what your “power color” is? You’re not alone. I work with SO many clients that are wearing the wrong colors.

A lot of times, your color can change. I was recently shocked to learn that although warm colors may have once been your pallet, as we age and lose color and tone in our skin and hair, we tend to cool off. So those once browns, golds and olives are no longer doing you any favors and blues, greens and pinks may be your new tones. In most cases, your power color will be a reflection of your skin tone and eye color… and sometimes your hair color.

An old school way to determine whether you are warm or cool is to turn your hand over, look at the color of the veins in your wrist. All blue? You’re cool. A tint of green? You’re definitely warm. Blue or gray eyes? You’re cool. Brown, hazel or green eyes? You’re warm. But that’s just your pallet. We’re looking for your Power Color! When in doubt, match your eyes. I have blue eyes and wouldn’t you know it? Blue is my power color.

Honestly, the best way to determine your power color is to try on all the colors in your pallet. You probably don’t own all the different colors, so take a little time to go to a store. I recommend ReStyle Consignment in Freeport, Maine. The model above, the gorgeous Kim Steinman, is definitely a warm pallet. She looks great in greens, tans and the beautiful gold she’s wearing. This look was hand selected by the Owner, Shelly, of ReStyle Consignment. Shelly knows color, and put Kim in her perfect power color.

In 2011, Shelly was helping her dad sell his business when she saw that Yarmouth’s Village Consignment was for sale. She was intrigued, and although she had never owned/managed a business, with encouragement and support from her family, Shelly became the official new owner and operator of Village Consignment and changed the name to Village Style.

From personal experience, Shelly understands women work hard. They work both in and out of the home, support families, friends and neighbors, and spend very little time on themselves. It’s important to Shelly that when customers choose to spend precious free time at Village Style, they feel welcome, have fun, and know she and her staff truly care about them.  Her passion is to help women look and feel their best - inside and out.

Her Philosophies: 

~She believes in the Golden Rule and does her best to treat everyone with kindness, honesty, and respect.

~As a mother of three daughters, she believes in the community of women who support one another and celebrate accomplishments and successes.

~She believes in taking care of the planet and is proud to have a part in recycling thousands of items of clothing, shoes, handbags, and accessories every year.

Love Kim’s look styled by ReStyle? Kim’s pants are new with tags from Talbots for $48 (originally $119). The gold top is by Solitaire for $12, the necklace is only $6 and the Earth Booties are $19.60.

Love my look? Tough! I took it home with me the day of the photo shoot. But ReStyle has a ton more options. Go find your power color!

Chelsea K. RayComment