ReStyle Consign- Sustainability

Let’s talk “fast fashion” for a minute. You click on the Instagram link because you like that cute sweater. The link takes you to a website called DressChica. The sweater is priced at $13.99. You think, at that price, I could get four! So you select the sweater in four different colors and then find a cute skirt for $8.99. You think, at that price, I could get five! And so on.

I get it. You get a little shopping high from getting such an incredible deal, all the while thinking, how do they make any money with prices so low? I’ll tell you how. Little eight year old Sally is working in a factory overseas for three cents an hour making those garments. That’s how. Let little Sally go to school and be a kid and stop buying “fast fashion”.

INSTEAD, get incredible prices for quality garments from ReStyle Consignment, which locally sources sustainable clothing. Instead of garments getting thrown into a landfill, pieces are hand selected, priced beautifully and re-sold to smart shoppers. My look above is something I could wear everyday. From head to ankle (the nude pumps are my own, but ReStyle has plenty to choose from) my look is under $100.

Last Fall, I took a personal vow to my followers to stop featuring brands that are unsustainable. I will continue to do so and hope that I can influence you to do the same. It may seem like a “good deal”, but there’s always a reason why something is “cheap”. Choose quality and choose ReStyle Consignment.

Chelsea K. RayComment