Back to School Shopping

My youngest son goes to a Private Catholic School. He’s going into his 10th year (pre-k, Kindergarten + 1-8) at this incredible school, and we fully intend on sending him to the Private Catholic High School, next year. We’re not fancy or Catholic… Just needed to pivot after hearing horror stories of children being lost at the Elementary Public School we are district to, when my little guy was starting Kindergarten.

Although I appreciate the required uniform (he always knows exactly what to wear to school), it takes all the fun out of Back to School Shopping. Binders, check. Pencils, check. 85 reams of copy paper, you got it! Anything to take my child back and educate him. The only “fashion” that is involved, are his school sneakers. And besides the budget, at this point, I have little say.

So I long for the flood of calls from desperate parents, begging me to squeeze in a back to school shopping session in the next week, to avoid another tragedy like last year with their Teen. Mom & Dad set the budget, requirements (finger tip length on skirts, no holes in denim, sizes that actually fit, etc.) and list of items and I then takeover. I build a level of trust with the Teen, by letting them know I not only have teens, but I also am obsessed with the current style right now… 90’s. I’ve had parents join in on the shopping experience, but also had a parent head back to the office, so they could get some work done.

My job is to ease the tension. By hiring me, you are investing in your relationship with your teen. You are telling them you trust and respect their choices, while achieving both of your goals.

-Chelsea K. Ray- Wardrobe Consultant

To all those parents who love Back to School Shopping with their Teen… I’m totally jealous. Have the most amazing time. Embrace all the 90’s & Y2K looks. They’re really back. Oversized everything. A few places I always take my Teen clients are American Eagle, Hollister Co. and Vans. Also, don’t spend a ton of money on a ton of pieces, right now. Your Teen might still be growing, styles and weather change, keep investing in their wardrobe throughout the year.

IF hiring me sounds better, I’m one e-mail away:

Check out my website for Business Hours, Rates and Services: CHELSEA K. RAY

My outfit is so affordable! The green cargo pants are from Walmart ($19.99), My white tee is from Target (SALE $9.99).

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