Let's Pack for Your Trip!

There’s no better way to break up the doldrums of winter, than with a vacation. I just booked a solo trip to Florida, and I couldn’t be more excited to get out of Maine. I’ve been closely watching the weather and hoping for lots of sunshine. And because it’s just me, I am laser focused on packing light, which means lots of mixing and matching. Come with me as I help you pack all your essentials in one small carry-on.


These are the things that you will absolutely need on your vacation: Phone charger, Photo ID, Toothbrush & Toothpaste, Floss, Hairbrush, Hair Products & Tools, Face Creams, Razor, Makeup, Deodorant, Undergarments (socks, bras and underwear that work with your outfits), Credit Card &/or Cash, vitamins & medications. I like to pack my essentials in waterproof, resealable bags. Especially, anything that can leak. Depending on where you are staying, hotels will provide soap, shampoo & conditioner, lotion, hairdryer. If you’re staying in an Air BnB, I wouldn’t depend on it to provide all your toiletries, so I usually pack them.

Travel Essentials

So, if you’re driving to your destination, there’s really no limit on what to bring. Take whatever fits in your car. But, if you’re flying, there are some things I never fly without. If I’m traveling 10 days or less, I can easily pack everything I need in one carry-on suitcase and one personal tote bag. Anything I may need to access easily on the plane or in the airport, I keep in my tote. Which includes, Wallet with Credit Cards, ID and Cash, Empty water bottle that I fill up after I go through security, a Book/Kindle, Snacks, Warm layer for the plane which almost always get cold by mid-flight, Chapstick.

Clothes & Shoes

Okay, on to the good stuff. My number one recommendation is to check the weather before you start to pack. As of right now, where I’m going in Florida, it looks to be in the low to mid 70’s with partly sunny skies. God, I can’t wait. In Maine, it’s currently 24 degrees and snowing. Keep in mind the evening temperatures where you’re going too. The nights will get down to the 50’s, so layering pieces are essential.

Okay, I’m going to a casual part of Florida (I pack very differently when I’m going to an island or somewhere like Miami). I arrive on a Thursday evening and leave on Tuesday morning. That’s 4 full days, plus keep in mind, a travel outfit for Tuesday. I plan on just rewearing my travel outfit from Thursday, which will be a pair of leggings, tee, sneakers and an oversized denim button down.

Beyond the weather, keep in mind what activities you plan on doing. I’m definitely going to be doing a lot of walking, eating, drinking, beaching and definitely some shopping. I’m generous on things that don’t take up a lot of room, like underwear, socks and swimwear, and then very strategic on bulkier items, like shoes and outerwear. Okay, 5 thongs, 5 panties, 2 regular bras, 3 bralettes, 5 pair of socks and 3 bikinis. An athletic skort, pair of athletic shorts, 4 tee shirts that can be mix and matched (I’m wearing my sneakers on the plane). Next, to take the guess work out of getting dressed, I like to travel with dresses. It’s just one piece and makes life so much easier. For day, 3 casual daytime dresses that can be worn with sneakers and for evening, 4 evening dresses that I’ll pair with cowgirl booties. For layering, I have my denim button-down, a cardigan and I’m also bringing a cropped shacket that matches my booties. An extra tip, stuff your Undergarments into your boots to help them keep their shape and save space. Make sure your day dresses match your sneakers and your evening dresses match your boots or heels.


Lastly, I always bring a few things I can’t live without. My jewelry: A couple necklaces, Watch, Earrings. My knee pillow, which is memory foam and flattens like a pancake in my suitcase. My Sound Machine. Hair Accessories and Tools, which includes elastics and my straightener.

The key is to not over pack. When it comes to most of the things listed, if you forgot it, you most likely can find a Walgreens within walking distance and stock up. Absolutely make sure you have your ID and Money. And most importantly, be sure to bring a great attitude! You’re going on vacation!! Make the most of it. Create lasting memories. Live in the moment and don’t forget to stay in touch with your loved ones.

If you are feeling overwhelmed with the process of packing, call me. It’s what I do.

Chelsea K. RayComment