Thanksgiving Outfit Check

Holy moly! Thanksgiving is next week! Have something special planned? For years, my husband has cooked a huge turkey and hosted all of our family, at our home, for the holiday. When COVID hit in 2020, we knew having our traditional gathering wasn’t safe, so instead we booked a massive cabin on the lake in Moosehead, and now that is our tradition. It’s usually just our immediate family. The kids go hunting and I stick back to prepare the food. It’s really an amazing way to celebrate what we are thankful for.

After two years of wearing sweats to Thanksgiving dinner, I have decided to up my game and go back to keeping it classy. It’s a special day. It’s a celebration. And I miss showing up to a celebration in a dress. Of course not any dress will do. In Maine, it’s chilly in November, so a dress that pairs well with boots and has sleeves is a must. A dress that is flattering, but also give me a little room in the tummy for all the Thanksgiving goodness that will be inside it. A dress that has soft fall colors that compliment the table centerpiece.

Do you have your Thanksgiving outfit in check? It’s right around the corner. Let’s get back to showing up to special occasions, dressed appropriately. You can be comfortable and stylish all at once. Need helping finding your perfect Thanksgiving look? Call me. I can probably help you find something right in your own closet. That’s what I do.

Chelsea K. RayComment