RIHOAS Wishlist

I’m super excited to announce that I’m collaborating with RIHOAS, a sustainable women’s clothing line that is inspired by a long legacy of European Cinema. Keep your eyes peeled for future blog posts, coming soon.

“The visual appeal, the beauty, the romance, the artistry of the female in all her complexity- it sweeps us away. The female characters are our muses- confident, yet charming, elegant, yet sexy, stylish, yet unique. Their appeal is enduring, just like our clothes.” -RIHOAS

It wasn’t easy selecting the pieces I wanted to feature, by RIHOAS. I literally wanted everything. The fabrics, patterns, and tailored pieces are all a work of art. Art that can be worn for almost any occasion. I definitely selected this knit two piece skirt set. It literally looks like Chanel. The delicate buttons, the woven design and contrasting trim all make this set look really expensive. But RIHOAS likes to offer luxurious pieces at affordable prices. I love that.

I know it’s hard to focus on anything but the adorable puppy in the image above, but try to see how rich in texture and color this look is. The velvet pants are perfect for holiday parties in the winter, but then layering the green textured jacket on top, and the look screams luxury. I have to have it and RIHOAS is offering it at a price we can all afford.


“At RIHOAS, we hope to inspire all women who like elegance, retro and romance, so that more women can find unique matches for various occasions. Grace and fashion no longer have to be costly. Become the elegant and confident vision you are used to seeing on the silver screen.”

Chelsea K. RayComment