Windsor Christmas Haul (Part 1)

Happy New Year! 2023. That happened fast! So fast, that it was mid-December and I almost had a panic attack realizing that I was WAY behind on my Christmas shopping. I scrambled (i.e. bought a ton of gift cards), shopped, wrapped and got it all done in a day. Phew. Then I realized I hadn’t shopped for myself! You’re probably thinking, who shops for themselves? I do. As a courtesy to my husband and boys. They all work 12 hour days leading up to Christmas, so there’s no time for shopping.

Hubs gives me a budget and I shop for myself. Normally that process is the most exciting thing I could possibly do. Buy myself whatever I want… Although this time I walked the Mall. The entire Mall. Twice. Just wasn’t feeling inspired at any of my favorite stores. Express was sold out of all the talls in the jeans I wanted. H&M had almost all XL or XS in everything. Macy’s was sold out of the mini UGGS I wanted. Complete deflation.

As I moped around, wondering what I was going to put under the tree, a black suede purse with a gold butterfly caught my eye in the window of Windsor. As I looked around trying to find said bag, I started to see pieces that I loved. See, Windsor is smart. They lure you in with something sparkly in the window, then strategically place looks that all work together all on the same rack. Brilliant. I went in for a bag (which the girls so kindly took out of the window and sold me because it was the last one), and came out with three complete looks. I wrapped my new looks and neatly placed them under the tree. Bravo, Windsor.

You may be a little confused, because Windsor almost always has sparkly prom dresses in their windows. It’s definitely what they’re known for, but I can’t help and compare it a little to DEB. Remember DEB?! After you walked through a forest of formal dresses, the back part of the store was trendy apparel. Windsor smarted up and put the forest of dresses in the back, in the window, then put the apparel in the front of the store. Making it clear that it is not just a prom dress store.

My first look I got from Windsor for Christmas consists of these tan high (tie) waist pants and cropped cream sweater. I don’t even feel like I’m wearing dress clothes. The pants are soft and stretchy and as comfortable as yoga pants, but much more suitable for work or a holiday. The v-neck cream sweater is perfectly cropped, so it can be worn in the office or to church, but gives a little skin at the neck area, where layered gold chains are perfectly placed. My mini bag is from Primark and the booties are Target.

Each look I got from Windsor is completely different, but all fit great and didn’t break the bank. The hubs was thrilled that I stayed way under budget and impressed that I found pieces completely different from my usual wardrobe. I highly recommend Windsor for not only your formal occasion but for your everyday apparel needs. Stay tuned for the next look by Windsor, coming next week.

Chelsea K. RayComment