Easter Outfit Reimagined (Part 3)

I have some friends who make fun of me (all in good fun) for being kind of obsessed with the weather, but y’all, it’s such a powerful tool. Every morning, I wake up, eat breakfast, drink coffee and watch the local news. Yes, I’m old school like that. I get everything I need to know locally, of course they cover national news as well, but what my family knows is most important to me is the weather report. Knowing that today is going to be sunny, but windy helps me determine how I’m going to style my hair, what I’m going to wear and whether or not I’m going to get my outdoor walk in or not. Call me a nerd, but being prepared for the day empowers me.

Today, the weather Gods blessed me with good news. If you didn’t already know, Easter is on Sunday and I have quite the celebration planned. With sunny, warm (well, warm for April in Maine) weather on the map I’m doing two Easter Egg Hunts! One for the kiddos. They’re all tweens and young teenagers now, so dollar bills in the eggs will keep them interested. Then, once they find all their paper gold, I’ll send them outside to hide the nip-filled Adult Easter Eggs. With great weather, this will all be so fun for everyone. Outdoor Easter Egg Hunts are always superior, but not always possible with Springtime weather.

The good weather allows our party to move outdoors, as well. Not having 30 people packed into my kitchen while I’m trying to prepare food is clutch. It also allows me to wear my favorite pink floral ruched cut-out midi dress and heels. Finally. Now that COVID isn’t terrifying us all, let’s get back to dressing up for Easter. For all Holidays. It’s a time to celebrate traditions, so let’s make the effort to look our Sunday best. A pair of wide leg trousers and a smooth top. A long floral maxi dress with a straw hat. Whatever your style, embrace it and have a very Happy Easter!!

Chelsea K. RayComment